The development of extractive industries in Peru entails a challenge for the government in environmental terms. If these industries do not respect the normative framework in force, their uncontrolled impact could be catastrophic for all environmental components, people’s health, and the very progress of the country.
Thus, our line of work here is focused on tasks such as oversight, legal research, and rights defense due to the likely threats that a poor environmental management of extractive industries might pose.
The following are some of our key actions:
As a result of our work, we have been accredited as third parties in eight administrative disciplinary procedures at the OEFA (the Peruvian Environmental Evaluation and Auditing Organism), and we managed to have Congress admit a draft bill for the response during environmental emergencies.
2022-02-03 | 11 propuestas normativas para evitar una nueva catástrofe ambiental | SPDA |
2022-02-14 | A un mes del derrame de petróleo: artículos sobre el desastre ambiental | BALDOVINO SILVANA, BRUNO MONTEFERRI, Carol Mora, CHUMBE YESENIA, CONTRERAS FÁTIMA, FABIO CASTAGNINO, GÁLVEZ ALFREDO, GRANDEZ PERCY, TORRES PATRICIA |
2016-11-04 | Minería ilegal: áreas naturales protegidas en peligro | SPDA |
2015-08-07 | Las rutas del oro ilegal: estudios de caso en cinco países amazónicos | LENIN VALENCIA |