We strengthen the normative framework and institutions to face the trafficking in wildlife, supporting the relevant authorities and providing alternative livelihoods for the people who depend upon this activity. 

Peru is one of the most megadiverse countries in the world, but at the same time, one of the most threatened due to illegal trafficking in wildlife. The weak institutions and the different levels of regulations and sanctions are some of the conditioning factors of this problem.

Since 2022, the illegal trafficking in wildlife is considered within the scope of the Law Against Organized Crime, which means that it has been categorized according to the international standards established by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC, 2020) or the Lima Declaration (CITES, 2019).

This is a problem with multiple and diverse causes; hence, it needs a multi-sector and multi-level, coordinated response, as well as a correct understanding of the context. 

In this regard, SPDA’s proposals is carried out through four work lines:

  • Improving the institutional structures of governing bodies.
  • Promoting alternative livelihoods to reduce the illegal trade.
  • Designing plans of action for endangered species.
  • Strengthening the legal framework.

A sample of the results of our work occurred with the Regional Government of Tacna, which approved the first ordinance in the country focusing on the prevention and reduction of illegal trafficking in wildlife, an initiative promoted by the Serfor and produced with support from the SPDA and the British Embassy in Peru.


2024-02-09 La prensa frente al tráfico ilegal de fauna silvestre JIMMY CARRILLO, LUIS ZARI, XIMENA MEJÍA
2023-12-15 Opinión legal de los proyectos de ley que modifican la Ley Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre José Luis Capella; Frida Segura; Jean Pierre Araujo; Luisa Ríos; Shiomara Yabar, Luisa Franshesca Gamarra; Andrea Tello; Katherine Sánchez; Valeria Torres; Diana Ramires
2017-11-20 Guía de identificación de fauna silvestre para las autoridades ambientales de Amazonas, San Martín, Loreto y Ucayali ALEJANDRO ALARCÓN, BRUNO MONTEFERRI, LUIS ZARI, NÉSTOR ALLGAS, NOGA SHANEE, SAM SHANEE
2001-09-11 Compendio de Legislación Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre INRENA, SPDA