Copia de Por la Pesca Alliance


We promote formal, responsible and sustainable fishing in the main artisanal fisheries of Peru and Ecuador

It is estimated that 1 of 5 species caught in the sea come from illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. This threatens the sustainability of artisanal fisheries, the associated biodiversity, our food security, and the resilience of coastal communities.

Through a partnership between the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), The Walton Family Foundation (WFF), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), WildAid, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP), REDES – Sostenibilidad Pesquera (REDES-SP), ProDelphinus (PD), Future of Fish (FoF), and Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), led by the Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA), the Por la Pesca project seeks to promote sustainable and profitable fishing while significantly reducing IUU fishing in the main fisheries in Peru and Ecuador.

Por la Pesca implements a combination of five strategies for the jumbo-flying squid, mahi-mahi, tuna, and octopus fisheries:

  • Facilitating and reducing bottlenecks to formalization of fishers and their organizations with clear socioeconomic benefits. 
  • Empowering and strengthening the capacity of fisher organizations and other key value-chain actors. 
  • Leveraging market demand for seafood from formal and responsible fisheries to incentivize better fishing practices. 
  • Providing technical support to key government agencies and private sector actors to improve data-sharing and transparency for decision-making. 
  • Promoting science-based and participatory fisheries policies and regulations and providing technical assistance to national and sub-national authorities to support enforcement. 

The Por la Pesca alliance will contribute to maintaining the health of marine ecosystems, and the well-being of thousands of people and families that depend directly and indirectly on artisanal fishing.


Stronger together

Moving towards sustainable fishing and reducing IUU fishing is complex and requires a collective effort. For this reason, the partners of Por la Pesca alliance join experiences and complement efforts to promote substantial changes throughout the artisanal fishing value chain, amplifying its impact.


Por la Pesca has prioritized 13 coastal zones in Peru and 2 in Ecuador, focused on artisanal fisheries of jumbo flying squid, mahi mahi, octopus, and tuna.


Thanks to the Por la Pesca alliance, from October 2022 to date, we have accomplished the following:

fisher organizations participate in the comprehensive organizational strengthening program.


  • 0 fishers were trained in sustainable management of natural resources and/or biodiversity conservation.
  • 0 people applied best practices and/or technologies for fisheries management, including the use of logbooks and on-board monitoring cameras and digital mechanisms for launching and capturing, and bycatch.


  • 750 vessels from jumbo flying squid and mahi mahi fisheries obtained their fishing permits thanks to the technical assistance of the Por la Pesca partners.
  • 179 artisanal divers from the octopus fishery completed their formalization processes.
  • 22 vessels were registered with the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organization (SPRFMO), to be able to fish legally on the high seas.
  • 5 responsible fishing and consumption criteria were developed within the framework of the “La Buena Pesca” initiative.
  • 1 commercial agreement was signed between the vessel owners of the Cooperativa San José and Oceano Seafood company, which allowed an increase of 9.6% in their profits, proving the benefits of formal fishing.


  • 150 mahi mahi were marked as part of a study to understand the migratory routes of this species, with the participation of fishers.
  • 1 market study developed for the tuna fishery in Galapagos.
  • 100 members of the Galapagos Artisanal Fisheries Production Cooperative, COPROPAG, benefited from the renovation of their collection center.


2023 Guía para la formalización de la pesca artesanal, sanitaria, registral, empresarial y de acceso SOCIEDAD PERUANA DE DERECHO AMBIENTAL
2023 Guía de identificación de las principales especies que interactúan en la pesquería de palangre de superficie de Perú - Ecuador - Costa Rica: AMAREA, INSTITUTO DEL MAR DEL PERÚ, INSTITUTO PÚBLICO DE INVESTIGACIÓN DE ACUICULTURA Y PESCA
2024 Guía de evaluación de capacidades para organizaciones de pesca artesanal THE NATURE CONSEVANCY
2024 Por el Mar del Perú que queremos – Ensayos del Curso de Capacitación en Derecho Pesquero 2022 SOCIEDAD PERUANA DE DERECHO AMBIENTAL
2024 Por el Mar del Perú que queremos – Ensayos del Curso de Capacitación en Derecho Pesquero 2023 SOCIEDAD PERUANA DE DERECHO AMBIENTAL
2024 Guía para la gestión de conflictos por la implementación de planes de extracción de recursos invertebrados marinos bentónicos REDES - SOSTENIBILIDAD PESQUERA
2024 Correcta manipulación y liberación de aves y tortugas marinas capturadas incidentalmente en espinel de superficie WORLD WILDLIFE FUND PERÚ (WWF PERÚ)
2024 Guía de herramientas para la manipulación y liberación de tortugas marinas WORLD WILDLIFE FUND PERÚ (WWF PERÚ)
2024 Guía para pescadores de perico para la adecuada manipulación y liberación de tortugas marinas y aves durante las faenas de pesca WORLD WILDLIFE FUND PERÚ (WWF PERÚ)
2024 Guía para la gestión de conflictos por la implementación de planes de extracción de recursos invertebrados marinos bentónicos REDES - SOSTENIBILIDAD PESQUERA