Around 17% of the Peruvian territory is under protection. In spite of this, its biodiversity is in constants threat due to several factors. Our goal is to contribute to reducing deforestation and the loss of key ecosystems as well as promoting nature-based solutions to tackle climate crisis. We coordinate protection actions and an efficient management with state and non-state actors. We also provide legal and technical assistance to cooperate in the struggle against illegal activities in protected areas.
These are some of our key actions:
Historically, the economic policies in Peru have not included financial mechanisms or incentives for conservation and sustainable activities. One of our tasks is to seek, promote, and develop sustainable economic activities that incorporate and motivate the stakeholders.
2023-06-05 | Una nueva autoridad en infraestructura: por inversiones sostenibles e intervenciones en infraestructura natural | SPDA |
2021-03-31 | Gobernanza y gestión participativa de las áreas naturales protegidas: organización y funcionamiento de los Comités de Gestión | SERVICIO NACIONAL DE ÁREAS NATURALES PROTEGIDAS SERVICIO NACIONAL DE ÁREAS NATURALES PROTEGIDAS POR EL ESTADO, SPDA |
2023-11-27 | Proyecto de ley declarativo que impulsa carretera Boca Manu - Boca Colorado pone en riesgo pueblos indígenas y áreas naturales protegidas | SPDA |
2020-10-14 | Promocionando valores de la agrobiodiversidad en las áreas naturales protegidas en el Perú: consideraciones políticas, institucionales y legales | MANUEL RUIZ |